> **🌱 Planted:** Mon 2 December 2024 --- Folgezettel is a German term for 'sequence of notes', and it refers to a method in which to write and store notes, typically within a [[Zettelkasten]] note-making system. It works by assigning arbitrary alphanumeric IDs to each note, usually in the order in which the ideas came to you. This might seem a little strange at first, but [[Bob Doto]] calls this homeopathic, and I'd tend to agree. By doing this, you map your train of thought which is valuable because [[Your train of thought is where new ideas are born]]. For example, the very first note in my [[Zettelkasten]] was: - 1.1 Your evolution happens without force I then wrote another note, which was a follow up to 1.1: - 1.1a You don't control your evolution Then, another one: - 1.1a1 Evolution is an act of courage And then, one more: - 1.1a1a Resistance gets in the way of your natural evolution Placing these together, we can see that the alphanumeric IDs are there to record the order or sequence in which these ideas came together: - 1.1 Your evolution happens without force - 1.1a You don't control your evolution - 1.1a1 Evolution is an act of courage - 1.1a1a Resistance gets in the way of your natural evolution The IDs are arbitrary and don't actually mean anything—they're just there to give you way to sequence and store your ideas as notes without constantly spending time working out where to put stuff, but also while keeping a system that self-organises from the bottom-up, rather than top-down[^1]. --- **➡️ Next:** [[]] [^1]: [[A System for Writing by Bob Doto]], p. 99