**🔼 Up:** [[🆕 Posts|Posts]] Welp, I've started fresh. I've lost count of how many times I've done this, but these days, I don't care anywhere near as much as I used to—it's all part of the creative process. You might've noticed the site is now called **The Book of Being**, with a new domain and all. This suits the vision for what I'm wanting to do much better. So what is this thing? **The Book of Being** is a self-organising and naturally unfolding compendium which will touch on so many aspects of Life—human development, suffering, healing, creativity and spirituality. This year, I haven't been writing and being creative as much as I'd have liked to (it's been an intense year to say the least), but I am feeling like that's about to change. My partner and I are moving cities in a couple of weeks, so I'm excited to see what might unfold in a new environment. One of the things that has caught me up and got me super stuck with Obsidian is working out how to organise the stuff I write. It can be a bit of a nightmare and is also a pretty steep learning curve. The problem is further compounded if you're like me and struggle with perfectionism. I think I've developed a way around that, and I want to detail the different aspects this site has, and will likely have in the future. **So far, I see that there will be three main ways of navigating and orienting to the site:** 1. A top-down guided journey. 2. A bottom-up self-organising and free flowing exploration. 3. Something that's somewhere in the middle. Somewhere in the left sidebar, you'll find a folder for notes I'm calling **Seeds**. Seeds are essentially 'atomic' or 'main' notes inspired by the [[Zettelkasten]] writing system. They're notes that contain one main idea whilst expressing a train of thought, commonalities, similarities, direct relationships or abstract relationships with links out to other ideas. For now, I'm planting Seeds into this site as I explore what piques my curiosity—thoughts, reflections, ideas and perspectives. Some of these notes won’t get utilised in a productive way. By this, I mean in ways that make sense for you, the explorer. They might just be notes I take on ideas that lead nowhere. Not all Seeds will flourish right away. Some may never flourish. That’s okay. Over time, Seeds will self-organise and cluster around higher order ideas to eventually reveal the topical and categorical areas of the research and work (play) I'm doing. Eventually, they’ll come together in ways I’d never have been able to envisage had I tried to structure everything from the top-down, and I hope they provide value to you in ways I can’t envisage right now, too. **To get a feel for it, you can check out some of the Seeds I published this month:** - [[Trauma is not the event, it's our internal experience]] - [[The way we experience ourselves is through the Felt Sense]] - [[What you do to the world is what you do to yourself]] Each of those Seeds represents a new train of thought. When you drop into a Seed, you can navigate through the train of thought by going to the **➡️ Next** one, or going **⬅️ Back**. Related Seeds will be linked within the body of the Seed, or in a 'See Also' section at the bottom. Later, you'll be able to go **🔼 Up**... I just don't know where Up is yet 😛. How it looks in the backend is a little different for me than how it looks in the frontend. That's because I'm using [[Folgezettel is a way to store notes and map your train of thought|Folgezettel]] to store these Seeds and map my train of thought. **Here's what I mean:** ![[November 2024 — Feeling Fresh.webp]] There's a couple of people you could check out if you're interested in learning about creating your own Zettelkasten—[Bob Doto](https://bobdoto.computer/) has an awesome book called '[[A System for Writing by Bob Doto|A System for Writing]]', and another person, [Tony Ramella](https://tonyramella.com/), who's been an absolute legend with helping me get some of this off the ground. This site used to have many other notes on it, but since I'm working to a new way of creating now, I'll be repurposing a lot of my older notes into Seeds and/or finding ways to integrating them into the site. When I do that, I'll tag them as (Repurpose) on the [[🆕 Posts]] page. So that explains what No. 2 is—A bottom-up self-organising and free flowing exploration. The other two, No. 1—A top-down guided journey, and No. 3—Something that's somewhere in the middle, are both far less clear right now. What I do know though, is No. 1 will be content that is more linear, curated and probably centred around the work I want to do with people in the future, which is Unfoldment/Truth/Awareness Coaching. For example, I already know a lot of my work will be centred around Parts Work, Body Work, Presence Work and Nondual Work thanks to my training in [[Aletheia Coaching]]. No. 3, something that's somewhere in the middle, will be some method or mechanism that kind of merges those two approaches—probably through something like topical and categorical indexes. That's all for this time! I'm looking forward to creating in curiosity and building this out 🚀. See you next time—keep well for now. Roc. --- **➡️ Next:** [[December 2024 — A New Place To Call Home]] **⬅️ Back:** [[September 2024 — Just write]] --- ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNYf_XWtJsc)